Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Partisan Press

I found this political cartoon online and I feel like it perfectly describes the partisan press and still to this day. I feel that the old system was a worse way to do it because society is only going to consume news from who they want to. Whereas in today's society at least the public is attempting to get both views on a topic, or even just the facts then they can decide their opinion.

Image result for political cartoon partisan press

I do feel there is a very strong parallel between the press today and the Partisan Press Era although it may not always be very obvious. If the press today was not to have an openly partisan press, then it could be looked at by the public as one of the better news sources due to the fact the public normally wants to look at news stories without a particular view and just straight facts.

However, if they are openly partisan news sources I feel they would not get as many views because they are openly biased with one side and I think the public would claim that they don't want to hear from just a particular party. Yet, if they were secretive about it I do feel like they would get a certain amount of views like the article mentioned because of the viewers like what they hear.


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