Friday, February 28, 2020

Betrayal Of Julian Assange

Julian Assange extradition hearing

New Articles were realized just hours ago since the start of the extradition hearing.

Assange's attorney made many claims stating The US plotted to kidnap and possibly kill Julian Assange as he hid out at the Ecuadorian embassy in London — aiming to make it look like an accident.

Not only was this claim made against the U.S. but also that the was secret surveillance on Assange in his bedroom, to the point that he slept in a tent inside his room as well as being filmed meeting with his legal team

The court was then told; It was part of an alleged plot that contemplated a sinister ending for the hacker accused of putting lives at risk with his massive dump of top-secret US documents and diplomatic cables.

Witness Two then revealed "the Americans were desperate and had even suggested more extreme measures could be applied against the guest to put an end to the situation,” told the court. 

Witness Two was also allegedly working with “the dark side" aka the US intelligence agencies,” Not only were all these claims made against the U.S. but also there was a claim that Julian Assange attempted to warn the U.S. Government, however, he was told to call back.

Assange personally warned the State Department that an encrypted database of 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables was about to be leaked in 2011, claims Assange's lawyer, Mark Summers.

Assange personally warned: "I don't understand why you're not seeing the urgency in this... people's lives are at risk," according to Summers.

However, again was told to call back a few hours later.

The hearing is still currently underway.

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