Thursday, February 6, 2020

Assange and Wikileaks


Julian Assange was sentenced 50 weeks in the HM Prison Belmarsh, Assange was guilty of breaching the terms of his bail or supposed this is why he was in prison. But there is so much more to this story. In 2004 Julian Assange founded a website for video footage called Wikileaks, having their main goal to be bringing important news and information to the public. However, the image of Wikileaks changed forever in 2010. 


On October 22nd, the famous website Wikileaks released video footage of the Iraq War from the United States of the Iraq War from 2004 to 2009. In 2012 Julian Assange fled to the Embassy of Ecuador and in August of 2012 Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador due to possible extradition to the United States. In January 2018, he was granted Ecuadorian citizenship; however, it was suspended in April 2019. Assange remained in the Embassy of Ecuador in London for almost seven years. Until arrested in April of 2019 with rape charges and skipping bail. 


Today Assange is kept in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day, while in prison with some of the topmost dangerous rapists and murders. Not to mention he has limited assess to speak with his lawyers and is not allowed to see evidence from his court case against him. 
Over 60 doctors have written letters stating they fear Julian Assange’s health and if he does not seek the medical treatment needed he could die inside the British jail. Currently, there is a petition signed by 130 prominent Germans to release Julian as well as Sweden dropping the rape case due to the difficulty of the investigation. 


Assange is being treated unfairly, not being able to get access to medical treatment, speak too lawyers, or in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours, a day is not treating him like the human he is. Also, the United States is who is holding him in prison with these charges wherefore the United States in getting involved in foreign legal action, which is illegal in the United States part. So, I understand Assange being held in prison if he is guilty of the Rape charges, however, the United States should let the current country he was living in to deal with that legal issue. I feel as if the United States is trying to charge Julian Assange unfairly because he released the Iraq War Logs, showing the United States committed illegal war crimes. These war crimes killed an average of 10,000 Iraqi citizens, therefore the United States does not need to punish Assange when killing so many innocent citizens is bad enough. Also, as the investigation and story progress more and more countries are wanting to release Julian Assange, therefore the United States does not need to have all the power in order to keep him in jail. The only reason the United States has not attempted to get  Julian Assange out of jail is that he released to the public the crimes the U.S. committed.  Julian Assange was not attempting to do anything wrong, he just wanted the public to know the facts about the Iraq War.

Margaret Blanchard Predicted Julian Assange's Fate and the Shame of the Mainstream 'Institutional' Press

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