Sunday, January 26, 2020

Five Sources of News

My Top Five News Sources

"News" would have to be my number one news source. This is the standard Apple news app. News is a very convenient app because it is already an app on the iPhone when you first buy it. Not only is it already on the iPhone but it also sends you a notification about news to your current location. I like the fact that this app knows your location so when you travel you always stay updated on the local news wherever you are. 

Instagram is my second news source for its convenience as well. Since I am on Instagram quite a bit throughout the day I follow several entertainment news sources, such as E! News. I like the fact that I can be scrolling through Instagram and learn about the latest celebrity gossip. I feel like this is such a good trendy place for the younger population to get their news. 

CNN is the third place I look for news, this is my go-to source for U.S. and World news. If there is any major breaking news the CNN app will send you alerts on your phone, therefore, making it a good go-to app. I also feel this is a very good reliable source due to it being a big name for all types of news. 

Image result for cnn
Fourth "News Break" is a great spot for any and all news since it has a for you sections, politics world, local, sports and entrainment section all on an app. This is a great app because you can select certain settings and news topics that you want the app to notify you about. 

Lastly, I would have to say Facebook is a source where I receive a lot of news topics, I think this is because it is very easy to post articles to Facebook, therefore, makes for clickbait almost by reading the headline of the news article. 


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